My porting toolset
This is a short blogpost about the tools and scripts what prooved to be useful during my porting work. Some could be handy for you too. The Silver Searcher Have you ever had to grep hundreds of Mb source code? Then you know how painfully slow it is. But the good news: it doesn’t have to be slow. I’d like to introduce “ag” to you,...
Team Center isn't a team player
Today my CATIA crashed as I tried to save my changes into TeamCenter (PDM). Nothing special, it is just a crashy program - i know it well - so i just opened a new instance, loaded my product, and as I went back to mess with my skeleton, I found something interresting. My skeleton (the base of every geometry) had a new icon what i...
Haiku Statistics
Some months ago I started to learn programming with Python, but i don’t really like the pre-made programming courses, so I thought I’ll be more motivated, if I try to solve a problem, what interesting for me. I slept some, and i came up with the following idea: there are some voices about the death of my favorite project what I’m following in the last...
Exploring Kindle Paperwhite
###How to start First, you need the latest firmware update firmware rev and the KindleTool. Download booth of them, and extract the rootfs: ./kindletool extract update_kindle_5.4.4.2.bin You’ll get the rootfs, the uImage kernel and some payload data. ###Exploring the rootfs: HW and SW developed by lab126 in Cupertino, USA, assembled in China. ####Architecture codenames: ADS Mario Nell Turing TuringWW NellSL and NellWW Luigi Shasta...
Fun with Arduino
I just bought my first Arduino board! You’ll get the microcontroller in a small card-box without any documentation, but it is not a big deal. (and hey, it costs just €24,99!) For the science and justice I bought a mid-sized breadboard, a PSU (3-12V), some cables, resistors and LEDs… If you doesn’t have micro-USB cable, don’t forget to grab one too. Nice, but… Whattahell is...